Future Platform

Accelerating Organisational Competitiveness – Strategy | Metrics | People |
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The Team

As the founder and Managing Director of Future Platform, Nigel is an astute professional who is committed to helping individuals, teams and organisations perform at optimal levels. Nigel has consulted to a wide range of organisations and people across the globe throughout his 20+ years of experience. As a coach, Nigel is understanding, supportive and will provide clear feedback. He uses his experience to co-ordinate activities and discussions through which participants can consider their individual and shared contributions within the business strategy and culture. He has been nominated as one of the top 5 CEO coaches in Australasia.
Nigel Watts
Insightful and engaging, Kelly has provided psychological services in organisations ranging from the military to corporates and iconic not for profit organisations. She has coached emerging talent and sits in advisory roles for national organisations. A registered psychologist she enjoys the opportunity to work one on one with individuals where she can apply her experience to their journey. She is currently a member of the Australian Psychological Society, and a ‘Certified Professional’ of AHRI.
Kelly Hooper
Resourceful and energetic, Merrilyn works across our client base providing program-based support and project management. Merrilyn manages all aspects of our business operations. Her background in health care management provides a strong foundation for keeping our business operations aligned with our goal of excellence in leadership. One of her strengths is using social media for business growth.
Merrilyn Clancy
2010 - present
Charles Lee
Client focused and result driven, Charles provides clients with excellent advice in the most effective ways to design and implement specific organisational analysis tools. Hands-on and practical, Charles enables clients to quantify and utilise their cultural drivers. Outside of his work he is also an avid mountain bike rider!
2010 - present
Cameron has held executive roles at the world’s number one professional services firm, a world leading automotive retailer and distributor and Asia’s largest telco, and combines this experience with extensive psychological training. Now a clinical psychologist, Cameron is uniquely positioned to work closely with individual executives and teams to set specific, measureable business goals, and then achieve them, in all market conditions.
Cameron McIntosh
Jonathan Logue
As an executive coach, Jonathan works with clients in Australia, Ireland, the UK, mainland Europe and the US. Jonathan holds a BA (Hons.) in Psychology from University College Dublin (UCD), and a Postgrad. Diploma in HRM from the National College of Ireland. He is currently a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), the Institute of Management Consultants (MIMC), a ‘Certified Professional’ of AHRI and a member of the CIPD (MCIPD) in the UK.
Tracy Tresidder
Tracy was named the ICF (International Coach Federation) Australasian region coach of the year in 2009 and is a credentialed PCC coach. She has coached many senior executives in both the Government and private sectors with outstanding results. Tracy has completed a Professional Development Certificate in Coaching and is a member of the University’s Coaching and Mentoring Association. Tracy is currently the President of the ICF Australasia and an accredited ICF assessor and was previously the Director of Professional Standards.
Fiona Chiglione
Fiona is a specialist in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), capability and context assessment, and statistical analysis. She has worked across mulitple industries and has been responsible for the research, design and implementation of several change interventions for groups ranging from corporate leaders to adolescents and young adults. A cornerstone in the success of each of these projects was her knowledge of a wide range of both new and established approaches to assessment and development. Her doctorate focussed on one specific learning approach that is now being widely used for change in the fields of medicine, psychology and education - Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.