Future Platform

Accelerating Organisational Competitiveness – Strategy | Metrics | People |
​Contact Us +61 418 662 223

Nigel Watts
B. Ed. (Hons) MA (Psych)
As the founder and Managing Director of Future Platform, Nigel is an astute professional who is committed to helping ... More

Lauren Calvert

Kelly Hooper
B. Ad. Sc. (Hons) M. Psych (Org)
Insightful and engaging, Kelly has provided psychological services in organisations ranging from the military to corporates and iconic not for profit organisations. .. More

Charles Lee
B. Computer Sc. USYD
Client focused and result driven, Charles provides clients with excellent advice in the most effective ways to design and implement ... More
The Team

Our Extended Team
Cameron McIntosh
B. Comm, B. Sc (Psych) (Hons), M. Psych (Clinical), MBA, M. Law
Jonathan Logue
B. A. (Hons)
Cameron has held executive roles at the world’s number one professional services firm, a world leading automotive retailer and distributor and Asia’s largest telco, and combines this ... More
As an executive coach, Jonathan works with clients in Australia, Ireland, the UK, mainland Europe and the US. Jonathan holds a B.A. (Hons) ... More
Fiona Ghiglione
BA (Psychology, Spanish) (Hon) PhD (Psychology)
Fiona is a specialist in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), capability and context assessment, and statistical analysis. She has worked across... More
Tracey Tressider
M. Education
Tracy was named the ICF (International Coach Federation) Australasian region coach of the year in 2009 and is a credentialed PCC coach... More
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Principal Focus