Future Platform

Accelerating Organisational Competitiveness – Strategy | Metrics | People |
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Technology Platform

Online Leadership Resource Tool
Future Platform leans on the following tools to assist with the delivery of our work.
Our online leadership portal provides a centralised repository of information for all participants undertaking one of our programs. This allows participants to access 24/7 resources that are required for the completion of our prorgrams.
This portal can be client branded and the information accessible through this channel is client specific. All participants receive a unique username and password at the commencement of a program which provides unlimited access and also allows us to track activity.
Through this portal participants may find program structure and requirements, pre and post-workshop readings, online evaluations, exercises plus case studies and support information to help them prepare for and interpret the various aspects of the program.
Future Platform maintains a variety of technology platforms which provide the flexibility for bespoke online analysis tools to be developed.
This means that clients are not limited to off the shelf analysis tools, but instead can be tailored to the individual needs.
Our analysis tools include 180 and 360 degree feedback mechanisms, and flexible survey and evaluation tools. Our back end reporting allows us to present data in user friendly and insightful ways.
These tools are used to help organisations understand the performance of their people, their capabilities or the opinions and attitudes of their workforce or customers.
It is easy to pull together a survey and get it out, but it is more difficult to develop a survey that will guarantee useful and insightful information at the back end.
Future Platform has the skills to ensure the surveys you distribute are worthwhile and will provide you with sight of the actions your organsiation needs to take as a result of the feedback.
The position and setting of expectations about an upcoming survey is crucial to maximise the response rate so our survey approach will take this in to consideration and ensure the methodology relating to question design is robust.
Throughout the implementation of our change management, leadership courses and organisational development initiatives we deploy our breadth of project management knowledge and capabilities to provide highly organised interactions allowing seamless roll outs of designed content and sessions.
Our clients are kept up to date with progress and we are able to accelerate and delay timelines as our client's business needs require. With the strong implementation of project management methodologies we have become an agile organisation with the ability to run multiple initiatives in parallel.

Survey Design
Project Management