Future Platform

Accelerating Organisational Competitiveness – Strategy | Metrics | People |
​Contact Us +61 418 662 223

ANZ’s history dates back over 175 years. They provide a range of banking and financial products and services to around 8 million customers and employ 48,000 people worldwide. ANZ are one of the five largest and most successful listed companies in Australia, and are the number one bank in New Zealand.They operate in more than 32 countries across Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific, Europe, Dubai, USA and Asia.
Since 2008, Future Platform has been working with different business divisions and teams such as:
Group Hubs (Offshoring)
Group Operations
Corporate and Commercial
Regional Business Bank
Small Business Bank
Business Bank and Markets
Via this exposure we have an in-depth understanding of the functions, drivers and needs of the ANZ Institutional and Corporate and Commercial business as a whole.
The current programs Future Platform is running for the bank include: ·
Elevate Sales Training·
Emerging Corporates Team Development
NSW State Franchise Plan Roll Out – C&CB– Game Changer 2015·
User Groups to assist in IT strategy·
Executive Coaching & Advisory·
Team Day Facilitation·
Strategy Sessions.
The level of engagement and variety of appointments reflects the capacity of Future Platform to provide multi dimensional solutions to it’s clients experiencing or preparing for intensely competitive environments.
It is by using an agreed framework of strategy setting, goal establishment, performance measurement and behavioural alignment that Future Platform works in partnership with leaders and their teams on longitudinal programs of work. Significant change requires time and discipline and new ways of thinking.
In each intervention, Future Platform has quantifiable measures of success. The lift in cross business referrals across the Corporate and Commercial Bank since Feb ’13 to date – 476 registered to now over 9,500+ referrals and 60% with realized revenue is one example. The increase in cross border revenue between Australia, NZ and Asia’s is another. Future Platform enjoys a strong and long term relationship with ANZ.