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Caltex - A Longitudinal Leadership Program

Caltex is the leading transport fuel supplier and convenience retailer in the country and the only integrated oil refining and marketing company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. They buy crude oil and refined products on the international market and are currently Australia's leading oil refiner. Products are supplied via a network of pipelines, terminals, depots and the company-owned and contracted transport fleet. Caltex also encompasses a range of activities from retail service stations operations to equity and non-equity resellers and direct sales to corporate customers. They operate in every state and territory of Australia.
In order to achieve set 2016 financial goals, Clatex undertook a change project called "Project GearChange". This project challenged Caltex's team to rise ito a 4 year growth phase.
Performance in the Distributions area of the business was critical for the organsiation to achieve their long term financial goals. The Distribution area of the business incorporates fleet mangement, site and terminal efficiencies, cost effective logistical management and new product support.
It was acknowedged that the leadership strength within this team was critical for supporting and driving the required change to deliver on the broader corporate goals.
Future Platform was engaged to develop a solution to increase leader capability to support the planned organisational change. This program also needed to support other complimentary development initiatives in place.
Future Platform designed and delivered a bespoke long term leader program that incorporated seven different components.
The key objectives of the program were:
To increase capability across key leadership areas identified as important to achieve the GearChange objectives and aligned with the internal Caltex Leadership Framework referred to as “Caltex Leadership Model”.
To enhance cross organisational relationships and understanding, enabling stronger information sharing and collaboration
To introduce a commerciality into the leadership thinking and behaviours of teams while retaining its established safety and customer focus
To provide leaders with tools to better manage their teams and drive the required shift in attitudes and culture
To increase the advocacy capacity of each leader through improved confidence and self awareness of themselves and their businesses
To introduce a new level of discipline when using data to validate behavioural change
To ensure Distribution leaders are able to represent and advocate the goals and objectives of their teams and the Distribution’s broader Gear Change Projects and related initiatives in a consistent and relevant manner to their teams and stakeholders.