Future Platform

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Lloyds International

Lloyds International is a part of Lloyds Banking Group, a global diversified financial company with its core focus in finance, treasury and specialist banking.
Lloyds International was looking to introduce a development program for a segment of its manager talent pool.
The business was operating in a tough environment and was looking to retain its top talent through this period.
Specifically Lloyds International was looking for a solution that took in to consideration the following:
Direct Focus Towards the Team that will Drive the Business Forward – Lloyds Banking Group is a major banking player in Europe and needs to invest in the people who'll drive this business for the next 3 - 5 yrs
Increase Leadership Experience - The ‘Identified talent’ group are relatively inexperienced in leadership and will benefit from tailored people management and performance related skill development to ensure they get the most from themselves and their teams
Innovation & Common Language - this group need to move quickly to respond to competitive pressure or run the risk of losing market share either to existing competitors or new competitors or both. The program needed to provide a structured and regular forum through which participants could innovate the business and create a common language.
Future Platform developed a program of work for 18 managers across the business that was conducted over a 12 month period.
The program incorporate a variety of development methods including:
360 degree leadership reviews (integrated into the existing leadership framework)
Learning workshops
Real life business scenarios and challenges
Cross expertise work groups
Experience Centre