Future Platform

Accelerating Organisational Competitiveness – Strategy | Metrics | People |
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The Royal Flying Doctor Service
The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) is one of the largest and most comprehensive aeromedical organisations in the world. Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, it delivers extensive primary health care and 24-hour emergency service to those who live, work and travel throughout Australia.

HR Advisory
Future Platform provides outsourced HR advisory services to the organsiation. We have worked in partnership for over 6 years, Chairing the National HR Advisory Committee.
The RFDS operates under a federated organisatnal structure so one of the key objectives of the National HR Advisory group is to identify oppoiruntieis to build alignment and maximise efficiencies as they related to workforce management and HR. across the operating sections.
Work has been done across all aspects of the employee cycle from recruitment and selection, through to performance management, employee engagement and communications and employee departure. A national HRIS system has been implemented and workforce metrics developed.
Future Platform continues to work in partnership with the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
Workforce & Client Opinion Research
The RFDS Medical Chest program has formed an important part of the RFDS’ service offering almost since its inception.
As part of a project set up to review, enhance and improve the efficiency and safety of the National Medical Chest Program and to maximise benefit to RFDS patients, the RFDS looked to gain feedback from approx. 2400 medical chest holders as well as approx. 80 health staff.
Future Platform was engaged to design, build and distribute feedback via an online survey. In addition, a paper-based version was distributed for those in rural and remote Australia who did not have Internet access.
Formal reporting was provided back to the organisation at both the group level and various demographic levels.